Monday, May 12, 2008

I guess taking of a cat is not as easy as it seems. lol.
It's time consuming, financial consuming and energy consuming.
anyway chi's definitely growing bigger! though not as big as how I'd like him to be. he's still small enough to be carried in two palms. I think it's a him anyway:)
and he's very worrisome! think he drinks milk the wrong way.. so everytime will burp/fart out a lot of air. it's very scary. sometimes he'll hiccup.. and it makes you wonder what's wrong. 'cos his eyes will go very big and become very watery, and he's just keep expelling a lot of air. and there's nothing you can do but stroke its back/pat its back, in the hope that it helps to get the air out sooner.
but he's getting stronger:) he can now climb out of the carrier on his own. woohoo. and much faster too.
a bit quieter today.. after the traumatic event of falling off my bed. and the traumatic event of being forced to drink from a shallow dish. it got very quiet after that:l and got quite reluctant to suckle. he's since recovered (i hope).
i don't have the time to take care of it. lol. especially with uni camp coming up and all. don't know what to do then.
and the milk powder is diminishing soon!:) he now drinks the whole portion at one feeding (the big spoonful of powder).
and he doesn't like his carrier anymore.. so now he wanders ard my bed most of the time.
okay. i know some people find it unhygenic. i don't really care at this moment anyway. he's so small! and i'm not allergic to him! fell asleep a few times while stroking it to sleep.
let's pray that it survives. very scary to keep hearing burping voices from him:S

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