Monday, February 04, 2008

A recent trend of thought. Relationships have been on my mind. It could have been the fault of the continuous talk about this area since exam period... I could probably attribute it to the relationship essentials seminar we had recently.. it could probably be due to the focus of the service for these 2 weeks as well. whatever it is, it's a trend of thought that's been influencing my train of thought. i'm curious to find out about my own relationships, as well as others.
as such.. the things that i do, the questions that i ask, the stuff that i write.. has all since been related to the topic as mentioned above.
i ask of you, implore you, beseech you.. to not pass judgement on the things i write; to not think further than the lines written here; to not consider more than what i wish to bring across to you.
a petal fallen
a memory stolen
a heart that's broken cease to beat
In the future, if I have the time and opportunity again.. i would really love to write a skit around a gentleman and a lady.. with the notion of one having..
A wondering heart..
the other..
A wandering mind.
unfounded expectations of people can cause unnecessary disappointments and frustrations.. which may not be observed by the person itself, but by others viewing the situations..
sometimes i lament the fact that there is a ceiling to the degree of intimacy between two friends. at times, i thank God for it.
there are times when i like to talk. i like to express how i feel. i like to debate with you. i like to put forth my opinions on things. i like to impart knowledge. i like to teach. i like share with you certain things that happen in my life.
today i just wanted to listen. listen to how you, or you, or you feel towards things. listen to what you have to say. listen to your opinions. listen to what you're going through.
to sit and observe what is going on around me. to listen and know you, or you, or you, a bit more without interference of thought.
give me the chance to be a listener.

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