Monday, October 22, 2007

there are times when i wish i have the diligence and choleric-ness that some other people whom i know have.. so that i won't be stuck doing unproductive stuff (e.g. watching anime. hahaa:)
there are also times (e.g. tonight) when i wonder why i can't just do things on the computer all day long and make a living out of it (e.g. doing things on photoshop, watching anime. hohoho.)
or once in a while, i wonder why i'm not saving up for a camera 'cos photos are visual candies for me:) hehe.
tonight i was looking at my ministry (events finance) and wondering why i've put off stuff for so long:) i'm supposed to be helping to overlook the offering ministry since it split again some time ago, but have not had the time to check with the current leader how the progress is and everything. i think they probably feel very isolated. hehee. i was supposed to be planning out the new structure for counter ministry as well, but haven't had the time to sit down and decide what is really needed. hohoho.
it's never too late to start:) so i went to message and call pple up to settle some stuff. yay. thank God that He assured me once again that in Him, i can be a new creation:)
indeed. the old has gone, the new has come.
it matters not how many mistakes you've made in the past.. what really matters is the lessons you have learned from the mistakes and making the decision to turn away from it in the future (repentance:)

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