Friday, August 04, 2006

i think i'm allergic to my cat. haha. 'cos i'll sneeze like crazy whenever my cat is in the room with me. then when she leaves, i'll stop sneezing. how odd. my cat is currently sleeping on my bedroom floor unreservedly. lying on her side with her body stretched to the full length and her tail lying carelessly over her legs. her breathing is slow and steady and she sleeps on undisturbed despite the noisy sound effects that were coming out from my laptop as a result of the dota game i'm playing.
and now she awakens with a sudden turn of her head and began to lick her paw. turning to position herself in a more comfortable position, she now places her head on her paws and proceeded back to a serene slumber.
slumbering is an act which doesn't come to me at the normal time of 12am or 1am. it comes to me in the stillness of the night, when everyone is in deep sleep and has gone off to dreamland with their dreams and knowledge of the day. it's as though sleep has coerced everyone to enter her sweet embrace and realised that she left me out. so here she comes, with open arms to persuade me to fall into her embrace, so that i may join everyone in dreamland. her job will then be done.
yet, i am restless even as i step nearer to her. i hesitate and stood one step away from where i was, hesitant to move on. it's not that i do not wish to slumber, but many things still await doing. as i list out the things undone, she backs away, with a deep resigned sign escaping from her heart, as though she is disappointed that i did not willingly allow myself to fall into slumber. sorry sleep, i will learn to be more willing. in the future.

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