Thursday, August 24, 2006

I am a person of likes and dislikes. Everyone likes and dislikes some things around. I like to sort out what i like and what i dislike.. so that i can understand better why i react to some things and why i don't.

Things i like:
i like to analyse my own behaviour in different situations and examine my reactions.
i like to know about myself. i like to be highly self aware. i like to analyse my motives for doing things so that i don't do things with a wrong motive.
i like to list out things. such as this list about likes and dislikes.
i like to do things for people. if i can do something for you, i'll be very happy. i especially like to do things for the people i love, it makes me even happier. in fact, if i love you and i can do something for you, it brightens up my day by quite a bit.
i like to love people. and i like to love animals.
i like to make people happy. though sometimes it's not possible to make everyone happy. 'cos if some people are happy, other people ain't. sometimes making people means going against my principles. in that case, i'll rather stick to my principles and values than make people happy. 'cos i like to make God happy more than anyone else.
i like movies. in fact, i love movies. i love the stimulation of my sense of hearing and sense of sight. i love to listen to people talk. if there's something i can get you to do, i'll sit you down and talk to me. just don't ask me to give a response. 'cos i just want to listen. i enjoy listening. but it does not mean i'm a good listener. haha. i try to be. does that help?
i like lectures. it's got something to do with my love for the stimulation of my sense of hearing. it's got something to do with the joy i obtain when i learn something new which lies in the area of my interest as well. as a result, i'm usually quite happy when there're lectures. though fatigue may cause me to want to sleep rather than listen.
i like to swim. i like to swim alone.
i like to touch things. i like being able to touch the different textures of things. i like to know if the object i'm seeing is smooth or hard or rough or soft.
i like to see. that explains for my love for movies.
i like to watch plays and musicals and an occasional dance performance. not so much of band or choir. i don't have much of an interest in these performances=S
i like music. a lot. i like good music in good settings.
i like to think.
i like deep connections with people. i get frustrated when i cannot connect deeply with a person after knowing the person for some time. this is kinda impossible sometimes 'cos there're so many people to know.
i like to read. i can spend a whole day reading if i have nothing else to do. reading and listening to music. or sitting opposite someone listening to the person talk.
i like to appreciate beauty.
i like mysteries. i like to see how mysteries are solved. i like detective stories. i like forensic science. i'd like to be a forensic psychologist but i don't think i can reach it. haha. but i like exploring crimes anyway.

what do i dislike?
i dislike people who judge. i dislike people who judge and assume that a person will remain the same just because the person was that way at a point of time. i believe strongly that everyone changes and it's not right to fix a person at a particular frame just because the person did certain things at certain times.
i dislike changes. haha. i take four months to adjust to a major change.
i dislike close datelines.
i dislike cleaning up my room. i wonder many times how i'm going to have a family next time 'cos i dislike cleaning up my room. maybe i won't ever have a family 'cos i don't like to clean up my room. it's a necessity, but it doesn't mean i have to like it. lol.
i dislike not having time to read.


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