Tuesday, July 13, 2004

I am the number
I am the loneliest number


what number are you?

this quiz by orsa

awwwww. so sad:P
anyway, i've realised that to reduce the temptation the computer poses, one just have to stick a piece of paper with the words 'be FAITHFUL!' on it on the computer screen. strangely enough, it causes my appetite to go online to be greatly reduced, until i find it bothersome to even turn on the computer...
maybe i should paste a piece of paper on the tv as well. hahaha:D
we've got our prelim timetables. hahaha:D how thrilling:D
was out in the evening buying stuff for yingcui as my handing-down present when i saw jieyun again. hahaha.
had quite a relaxing day today... rather amused when i heard lynette and mr mark li talking in the same way (one due to her wisdom teeth being plucked out, the other 'cos of an ulcer). the lectures passed by...as lectures do. got released 15 mins earlier from econs lect (yeah! my eyes were dying to keep themselves up)'cos the lecturer finished earlier than expected.
hahaha! got this website off fungi's blog... hhahaa. i nearly died laughing looking at it too:P
disgusting guy.
according to fungi,
'apparently it's the website of the weird eyebrow plucking guy who roams around outside tangs, pouncing from behind corners to accost unwitting victims'
distracted distracted. bio prac today was surprisingly relaxing. we looked at milk curdle and milk solids wobble and the sink gargling it all up.
libing suggested to me that tofu could be made in that way, and said that they could have given use huang2 dou4 nai3. as a lover of tofu,i object!
can u imagine? tofu made by curdling dou4 nai3? so disgusting. i'll never be able to eat tofu properly again:|

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