Friday, July 09, 2004

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick; but when dreams come true at last, there is life and joy" (Proverbs 13:12, TLB).

"These boys won't make it. Go back to Liverpool, Mr. Epstein, you have a good business there." This is what a recording company executive told the Beatle's manager at their first audition!

"That kid can't play baseball. He can't pull the ball," is what the manager of the Brave's Tripple A team said about Hank Aaron in 1952. Aaron went on to hit 755 home runs, breaking all previous records.

Remember, no matter what the critics say, in God's economy, everybody has a purpose and everybody has something of value to offer. Never give up until you know what your talent is; then sharpen it, dedicate it to God, and give it all you've got. Take courage. Nothing you do for God will ever be in vain. Remember, too, that one of the greatest ways we can serve God is by helping others--and every one of us can do that every day.

Also, as long as what you are choosing to do is in harmony with God's will, then dream big dreams, work hard, trust God and in time you will reap what you sow and be richly rewarded. Know your God-given dreams and keep hope alive no matter what the setbacks and never ever give up

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