Monday, June 21, 2004

yesterday was father's day.. haha. went out with mum and sister in the evening to finally get shirts for dad and to treat him to dinner.
so strange. father's day always seems less hyped up than mother's day... it's like, u'll see promotions and advertisements to buy this and that for your dad, but just not as much.
was just thinking about how my dad and mum are quite different in personality...hahaha. mum's choleric and dad is more phlegmatic O_o thankfully both are quite sanguine. hahaha. so at least they can talk to each other. i have a very friendly father and a very task-oriented mother. hahaha...
someone once said in a speech during graduation night in nygh that we get our personality traits mostly from our dad and our intelligence mostly from our mum. i guess it's quite true. considering i'm super non-choleric. my sister is more choleric than me i guess. hahaha. depends.
-memories consume,
like opening the wound,
i'm picking me apart again-
i like the song 'breaking the habit'...but it doesn't contain particularly nice lyrics. actually i like linkin park songs rather much...but they all contain quite negative lyrics. hahaha. so sad. the way it's presented is nice though.
something that struck my mind last night:
\To be disciplined is not just a desire, it is a decision.\ quite self-explanatory...u can keep saying 'i want to be more disciplined! i want to finish! i want to...', but then if u dun go and do it right, and just keep 'wanting to', in the end, nothing is done:P
yeah well:D

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