Thursday, September 06, 2012

Lots of outflow of finances. haha

ah. my lenovo lappie died after 3 years and 6 months of usage. hahaa. i guess it's not as hardy as the generation before (when it was still IBM. haha. since IBM allowed me to drop my lappie 17 times before it died). sadly, it seems like a new chapter of my life opens with the buying of a new laptop (i bought one before i went into uni, then one before i went into the post-grad diploma for school counselling, then now that i've decided to change jobs, my lappie happily dies on me too). haha.
was doing some simple market research, and the choices easily boiled down to either Apple or Asus. hahaa. sadly, Asus is out of stock EVERYWHERE. the casing was really pretty though (aluminium casing, with a beautifully designed outer, and packed with good specifications! good for playing intense games! hahaa.)
but since i need a lappie urgently, and i don't play a lot of games on the lappie anymore (more of watching anime, and dramas...) and i need my lappie to be portable and durable, i've settled on Samsung's ultrabook series 5 3.3inch lappie. it's not meant for games, but for everything else it's pretty alright. the keyboard is rather shallow, but it makes typing easy. hahaa. i still prefer the solid typing of lenovo, but well... hahaa. i guess samsung's series 9 is more power packed, but it's also $800 sing more. hahaa.
i hope the lappie lasts though! :) let's see how long this one will last. hahaa.

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