Monday, September 24, 2012

"Their energy levels increase the more functions they have to attend, the more people they have to meet and the more activities they have to organise."
--> haha. true to a certain extent.
i saw this and laughed while i was searching online for enfjs and the people they appreciate.
recently i've learned to appreciate some people more, specifically the ones who are investing/have invested in my lives.
i think the thing about usually being the one to give is that people just assume that you don't need to receive, that's it's okay to take from you, to assume thar you will listen, that you will give the time, and so on, and so forth. and then they might become angry when you don't give what they expect of you to them. unappreciative people.
so i'm particularly appreciate of people who give to me. not in terms of items, or gifts, but the thought, the support given, the care that's provided. The people who have won my hearts and will continue to stay in my memory for a long time yet. The ones I want to just keep by my side, and continue to keep in touch with through the ages (though some may not be possible). the ones whom i've learned from.

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