Friday, March 26, 2010

Am on trial membership for MHA (Mental Health Academy) for a month.
I am determined to finish as many courses in it as possible!
This is one of the course I'm signed up for. hahahaa. so funny :)

Time Management

Effective time management can add hours to a person's daily life. Those hours can mean the difference between having quality of life and feeling strained. Effective time management is not simply focusing on matters of organisation or looking at how to squeeze the maximum amount out of each hour of the day. It is also about investigating the psychological and emotional factors that contribute to the feeling of being time pressured. This course provides a multitude of strategies for managing time and assisting others in managing their time.

In this course you will learn: basic principles of time management (the 80/20 rule, prime time, don't try to change everything at once and new habits take time to form); wellbeing and vitality concepts (diet for energy, exercise, mental fatigue and burnout and sleep); psychological factors in time management (personal congruence, goals and motivation, setting objectives, taking responsibility, procrastination, indecision and being in the moment) and; organisational factors in time management (organising goals, dealing with everyday life, systems and checklists, prepare for tomorrow - today, dealing with overload, travel time, procrastination from an organisational viewpoint and diaries and planners).

Interesting right! :)
Am also signed up for person centered, SFBT, assertiveness training and ethical dilemmas. Think if I have time, I'd also go for gestalt.. since I've been using gestalt and sfbt very often these days :\

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