Sunday, December 20, 2009

"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."
Philippians 4:8 NIV

you desire for what you feed on

that's one thing i caught from reading a few pages of 'drawing near' by john bevere. you desire on what you feed on.
the more you feed on something, in the future, you'd more naturally desire for it.
if i'm always eating ice cream as a comfort food, i'd desire more of it.
if i'm always feeding on the Word of God as my comfort food, i'd desire for more of it when the time comes when i'm upset and distressed.
increase your spiritual appetite for the intimacy of God and His Word by not filling that appetite up with just the intimacy of people and other sources of comfort :)

haha. easy to say.

today God reminded me that
love is not selfseeking

today i had a conversation with God on the cab ride back. it went somewhere along these lines

"God, i'm a human being. my languages of love are physical touch and quality time. and it's kinda hard to have my needs of love met when my caregroup currently consists mostly of brothers. i need human company when i'm lonely."

you can meet your needs in me

"but i can't physically touch you.."

are you subtly holding on to the belief that i cannot meet all your needs?

"okay God. i repent of that belief. i acknowledge that i may have felt that way and have held that belief. but with regards to the love language of physical touch..."

your language of love is the way your soul finds satisfaction and fulfillment in. spend time with me intimately, and your soul will find its fulfillment in me, and your need will be met. have you not experienced times when My presence is so tangible to you that you can even 'physically' touch it? could you not understand that i can fulfill that need of yours from the inside out? nourish your soul through dwelling deeply in My presence.

i dunno if i'm slow. or if i was just stubborn.
but that's a new revelation to me.
not a very pleasant night,
but a rather enlightening one :)

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