the freshness of the cold air which reaches my nose is as delicious as delicacies spreading its flavour on the tongue.
it's like nose-candy. hahaa. as likened to eyecandy.
i love to listen to the sound of rain :)
it fills up the emptiness of the day, and fades off as background noise to help me concentrate on things better.
i love rain!
we had staff dinner yesterday night =)
my first staff dinner
went there and dunno what to do. so joined the table with the admin staff and some people whom i lunch with :)
wonderful people :) hahaha.
the two empty chairs belonged to me and this animation instructor who teaches maya to the students. hahahaa. till now i still don't remember this name. hohoho.
was waiting to be served the whole night. hahahaa.
'cos dunno what to expect.
but quite interesting :) my table became the most havoc table. we were clapping along, cheering along, and laughing like mad. 'cos we have funky ivy (who loved the old love songs being performed by some of the other staff), and funky doris (who's the advocator of people dancing on stage) and funky aishah (who was trying to persuade chiewlim (the guy on extreme right). lol. ivy is really very funky =D hahahaa. she's very nice too :) and chiewlim's very serving. he kept serving us (drinks and pudding and whatnots).
interesting people =)
the vp ended up at our table at the end. hahaa. he said he saw 3 of his ex colleagues on the same day he saw me (on sunday at PS. hee).
the animation guy was commenting to me that it feels as if we're all attending a malay wedding ('cos had a couple of malay songs in the middle. hee). then i guess the mood switched to a chinese wedding (with 'yue liang dai biao wo de xin' being sung), and an english wedding (with L-O-V-E being sung), and subsequently an indian wedding O.o LOL. ^^
the programme's quite boring :D
but it's great to know another side of the colleagues ^^ (hee. thanks justin for letting me know about the spelling mistake)
L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore and..
ah. so that's E :)
being in the opportune time and place was good for my role as a counsellor.
managed to listen to two different students and a mum :)
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