Friday, September 18, 2009

I have 'pata pata pata pon pata pata pon!' stuck in my mind :(
and i'm sleepy (again. hahahaa)
today my supervisor asked us who discovered water. hahaha. the answer had completely no link with the qn -.- lol. his answer was that he doesn't know who discovered water, but it's definitely not the fish (then i'm like, fish is not a who...).
anywayyyyyyy... his point (after having no point) was that fishes get so used to the water around them that they may not realize that they're not conscious of the fact tt they're in water till they're taken out of that water. as human beings, we're so absorbed in our culture that sometimes we do not realize/recognize it when discrimination takes place until we get taken out of our culture and are discriminated against ourselves :) which i thought was a good point.. though his riddle made no sense whatsoever to me :D hahahaa.
but he's a nice supervisor anyways :) and quite good :)
i'm cold :)
i always remember how they say if u're cold, and hungry and tired, it's easier for u to sin. hahaa. but i'm quite joyful at this moment, so maybe that's a buffer? :D so doesn't mean when we're tired and hungry and cold, we have the license to sin :)
but i'm still cold and sleepy. hahaa. though not hungry.
- there was a lady all in white
holds me and sings a lullaby
she's nice to see and she's soft to touch
she says Cosette, i love you very much...-
got this song stuck in my mind at this moment.
it's interesting how nigel used citadels in his counselling session! :D

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