Sunday, November 16, 2008

Some 30 year old guy (note my earlier post on my opinions on authority or older people) called me a presto intellect on on my opinions on fansubbing and what-nots. they're having a heated argument about the legality of fansubs (of animes and what-nots). i have no idea what he's trying to achieve, and frankly speaking, to call someone a presto intellect (he did this to others too) is a form of flaming, isn't it?
i feel insulted. blah.
at any rate, i don't see what's the use of that argument on the crunchyroll boards when
1) it's on an anime hosting website. and i doubt arguing on the board will reduce people's desire or demand for subbed anime. especially if the person is flaming others and trying to assert his own opinion for the sake of asserting, with others not caring/knowing him because he's too (uh-hem) 'intellectual'/snobbish.
2) it is true that subbed media increase the popularity of the drama/anime and thus is kinda like advertising for the media in general. as i was saying, most of the time, they don't earn a lot through the official vcds anyway (unless you're a regular buyer, then in that case, if you like the anime or drama series, one would go buy it.. kinda like how music sampling goes about now?), but more so through the accompanying merchandise (movies have this source of revenue as well) --> correct me if i'm wrong.
3) all raws come from japan sites. shouldn't they stop things at the root instead of complaining about subs? if there're no raws, there won't be subbed anime:P
and yes, i'm still annoyed at being called a presto intellect. lol
it's time to study for exams :)
last exam of my nus life. every moment is memorable at this moment. lol.
probably feels the same for others, but things (from doing assignments to taking exams) have kinda changed for me 'cos it's my last exam and somehow or another, the grades ain't important anymore.
i was saying how the external motivation is being taken away 'cos i've applied for my job and there is a high chance (i think) that i may get the job.. so the grades ain't that important. ah well :)
but i still enjoy exam periods. i've always enjoyed exam periods ('cos of the freedom in planning out your own time and the close fellowship. the monotony of tasks too. hahaha). also 'cos exam periods are the free-est times of the year!:)

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