Monday, August 02, 2004

mr ho no longer post as a symbol of stress to us...the mascot has been changed to mr chan. surprisingly! our dear normally go-with-the-flow ct has become quite agitated with how the class is progessing with the revision for econs. hehe:D trouble is, i think most of us are focusing on other subjects like maths and chem (for the rest) first...hmmm. at least i know i am. maths and bio.
gosh. haven't gone swimming for a long time. haha:D my first lap caused my arms to ache...hahah:D it got better though...swam a few laps and the ache no longer registered... and a few more and the whole thing becomes a rhythm whereby nothing else exists except for you and the water...back and forth, back and forth. and u start to wonder, why isn't the pool longer? i had my 'own' lane though..lane one else wanted to swim in the same lane 'cos i kept going back and forth. haha. lane number 8 had a guy who kept going back and forth too.
got startled back into the 'real world' (so called) when i see white headed pple (hahaha! they were having classes and were wearing white caps to protect their hair) starting to appear alongside me. ah well. guess it was time to go. haha:D pool got too crowded for comfort.
yeah:D shopped around with mum for something to wear next monday to cousin's wedding. haha:D first ever church wedding in the family!
time for econs. hohoho. merry christmas:P

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