Sunday, November 30, 2003

yes. after some pondering, i've decided on a few resolutions to be implemented soon. like tomorrow?

1) do a tutorial per day about SATs. simply because i've been neglecting it and since everyone's been talking about it, i figured i might as well start too.

2) spend sparingly. very broke:D (presents and lost money and all that)

3) eat less. no more buffets and snack and snacks and more snacks for me.

4) start clearing up my room:D will be updating my progess...think it'll be one of the reasons to keep me going. hahahah:D

5) expound on the wonders of walking. daily. hahaha:D maybe i'll go swim again. though swimming does cause my hair texture to deteriorate:P

yup:D the other resolutions will be between God and me:D shall update about the success (yes! success!) of my resolutions next time:D

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