Thursday, November 06, 2003

koped this from desiree's personal message
1. What is the time right now: 10:04pm
2. Name:xinying:D
3. Preferred Name: eh. watever. call me me!:D
4. What are you wearing right now: nygh sec 4 camp t-shirt which states 'being and becoming' and shorts and specs. and whatever there is.
5. Star sign: pisces
6. Where do you live: toa payoh
7. Gender: female
8. Single or taken: hahahaha:D desiree said 'taken by God' not erasing it:D
9. Righty or Lefty: righty
10. Hair color : blackish brown
11. Eye color: dark brown
12. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: lots and lots of friends;)
13. Birthday: 7th March!
14. Lucky Gem Stone: how would i know?
1. Boxers or briefs: *cough* doesn't bother me:P
2. Long or short hair: geez.
3. Dark or blonde hair: geeeeeeez.
4. Tall or short: taller?
5. Six pack: muahahhaaha! six pack will turn into fats in the later yrs. nahh...
6. Muscular arms: i would think that all arms have muscles..and are thus muscular
7. Good or bad guy: good? good!
8. Hats or no hats: hahahha:D if they can carry it off...
9. Ears pierced or not: some guys look odd with pierced ears.
10. Dimples: are we talking about chilam here?:D he's got great dimples!
11. Studly or cutie: sturdy
12. Dark or light eyes: dark.
13. Fat or thin: moderate
14. Jewellery or none: some.
15. Curly or straight hair: nice straight soft hair.
16. Freckles or none: that reminds me of archie...
17. Indoor or outdoor: healthy person. hahahha:D
18. Shy or outgoing: depends on the occasion o_O


1.. Would you date someone just for his/her looks: tempting...but no
2.. Chocolate or white milk: milk. anytime:D
3.. Mud or jelly: mud or jelly? mudpies?:D
4.. Skiing or boarding : never tried both
7.. Summer or winter: winter will be too cold for me i think. i'll sneeze:(
8.. Cake or pie: yummy:D
9.. Silver or gold: leather. nice to touch.
10.. Sunset or sunrise:both signifies a beginning...and an end:)
11.. Have you ever fractured/broken/sprained a bone: my ankle. stepped on the soccer ball
13.. What's your favorite color: (!)
14.. Do you hate anyone?: nopez:D
15.. What do you dream about: lots of things:D
16.. Do u have a HUGE crush on someone right now: nopez:D crush is unreciprocated right? nopez:D not interested.
17.. Who's the loudest friend: eh. u're askin' me?
18.. Who's the quietest friend: quiet ahz? memememe~:P
19.. Who do you tell your dreams to: God:) my diary. my shepherd:) friends:)
20.. What shampoo and conditioner do u use?: ORGANICS ROCKS!:D
21.How many T.Vs in your house: three. *grInz*.
22.. Who's the last person you called: xinyi:D but she didn't pick up the phone
23.. Where do you want to get married: i know quite a lot of pple will mention they don't wanna get married/wanna become a nun/become a businesswoman/too troublesome... hehe:) ehz. in a church. hahahaha!
24.. Favorite number: 3 and 7. wanna guess whyyyy?
25.. Favorite boys names: daniel, julian, josh, all the j names. rocks.
26.. Favourite girls names: keira, autumn. hahaha:D
27.. Have you ever gone skinny dippin?? nopezz. nopezz. nopezz. i'll prob freeze to death:P
28.. Have you been in love?: Desiree:i'm in love with GOD ... (me too!:D---me)

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