Wednesday, November 12, 2003

*grInz* to further explain what i said about alywin..'cos the melancholic/sad/remembering mood was so nicely established, until his normal, a bit chirpy voice popped into the mood and nicely burst it completely. yup:D that's what i mean:)
hahaa. for the second half of doing the gpf, we did some of the group stuff, then all of us got addicted to isketch and wouldn't stop playing it:D *grInz* then we were all laughing like mad and going crazy trying to figure out the the end, there were only the four of us in the comp lab. hahaha:)
watched the mtv of 'me against the music' by britney in collaboration with madonna wonder they said that it was rather... *coughcough*. beat's not bad though, kinda drums into ur head...but the scenes on the mtv does encourage some stuff.
-all my people on the floor, let me see you dance-
wanted to say that OP was quite blessed today as well:) 'cos during the qn and answer section, the person actually asked me this qn
'why do you think the government implemented the policy? Do you think education would have been enough?'
and i actually was quite stumbled...'cos i mean like. duh the government implemented it to ensure that there is a supply of organs. hahaha:) then somehow or another, some part about how people may not act out what they listen..that kinda stuff, appeared in my mind. and i merely babbled on about it:) hahaa:)
talking to xinyi just now, i'm really thankful for her to be sent into my life, for sharing her daily encounters with God and encouraging me in the same time. i really thank God for sending me to Hope as well:) 'cos i think i may not have grown should i have accepted Christ earlier. God has His timing:) and i thank God for His people...who are so accepting and loving:)
i was looking at the sky in the evening whilst i was at the corridor walking back home and i saw such soft wisps of clouds in the sky. can't help marvelling at them:) and i got reminded of what rachel said before. indeed. i can't help marvelling at the creator of these marvels in life as well:)

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