Friday, December 10, 2010

Watched 'The White Ribbon' with Sherli on Wed. had originally considered watching this with wanqi, but the m18 kind of pushed us into watching Rapunzel instead. hahaa.
it's not violent, just that the themes covered are more serious.. so it's actually not m18 'cos of violent scenes (unless seeing the death of an animal upsets you alot...), or sexual scenes that kind of thing.
Story was about the odd happenings in a village. I would say that it's a rather 'Lord of the flies' film.. hahaa. though not as outrightly brutal as the book, but it does show the ugly and negative side of human beings :) rather interesting. quite even paced too :)
if you're not watching the movie, you can read more about the film here and here
Interestingly, i observe that I am personally neither shocked nor dismayed at the portrayal of the humans in the show. Somehow or another, it seems that I already know that the nature of human beings are as such.
pessimistic outlook? or a desensitized heart? haha.

Watched another movie in the night.

Had 1 for 1 discount for this 'cos GV is having a promotion :D
felt that the movie was not bad too :) the starting was not as funny as i thought it'd be (the whole theatre was laughing, which kinda puzzled me 'cos i didn't think it was exactly very funny O_o), but i felt that some scenes were rather lovely :) enjoyed the scene when the female lead pretended to be a dj and talked to the male lead.. enjoyed also the scene when they were in the snow :) haha. I felt slightly offended when they joked about abortions though.
Here's its IMDB page:
And you can read reviews here and here
heh :) I think the female lead really looks like a korean though! hahahaa. and she's quite pretty! hahaa.

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