Thursday, October 21, 2010

~Gather me up like fresh shirts on a clothes line
whisper my name like a summer breeze
run with me to the sun melts to the western
then gather the stars like a blanket of dreams~
Am listening to female country-pop music at this moment :) haha.
Realized that there's a part of me which I've kinda been ignoring through the years, and it's only in recent year/s that i've been rediscovering again.
I'm a practical person. haha. have always been along the years. i fancy soft toys for like one or two days, before forgetting all about their existence altogether. haha. I know not what to do with presents which I can't use. hahaa.
But I guess it's nice to have whimsical things once in a while. haha. to be given stickers, to be drawn a picture, to be written a note unexpectedly, to be asked for dinner instead of being the one to ask for dinner, to be loved instead of to love :)
to dream dreams, to write poems, to listen to light hearted music, to enjoy the brighter side of life, to have friends in a political place, to have people who are of my age to talk to, to just be silly and laugh over stupid mistakes, to play bridge all night, to wear colourful clothes to work :)
i'm not the formal type of person. i can carry myself if i want to, but at the end of the day, informal interactions brighten up my day :)
though another part of me will always be thinking about the future, planning for what lies ahead, wondering about the vision that God has for me, evaluating myself and where i stand, wondering how i can grow myself, thinking about how to change my room, how to make things a little better, how to prepare myself a little better. haha.
i'm suddenly struck with the awareness that i'm going to Italy in autumn! Autumn has always been a season that i've wanted to experience, but never had the chance to! :) am so excited! having the chance to be warm in a cooler environment, having the chance to see sculptures and listen to music, and enjoying life as life itself.
And yet, i know that i can't do this for life. haha. as in, i will not be satisfied with just enjoying life as it is. hahaha. some part of me strongly wants to fight.
and i know not against what at this moment. haha.

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