Thursday, March 05, 2009

Human beings are so selfish. I know. I'm a human being.
We think about ourselves most of the time. Sometimes we grumble because circumstances don't go our way, sometimes we do things out of selfish motivations.
But a lot of things don't matter anymore when things around you start to change.
When you have a personal friend die, a lot of things don't matter anymore.
It's suddenly so precious to know that God is real. To know that one day you'll see that friend again.
When you have a close friend is hurting and struggling, a lot of things don't matter anymore.
All your heart yearns to know is that God heals, God restores. All you hope is to see the person around.
When all you can do is to pray, that's all we do.
A lot of peripheral things we busy ourselves with don't matter anymore, when the harshness and reality of life is presented stark naked before our eyes.

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