Saturday, October 18, 2008

Just replied to a post in the forum for history and systems of psychology. It's been going into philosophical realms these days, starting from john elliot's love of the evolutionary theory to thinking about functionalism. a thought experiment that was given was the questions of whether there will be any difference in behaviour or emotional states IF we change all the neurons in the brain to computer components (which are advanced enough to do exactly what neurons do (pass down signals). lol. of which you can see that
1) functionalists don't believe in the mind-body dualism, which probably means that they don't believe that there's a soul either.
2) all of us don't do our readings.
heh. oh well. i read up a little on mind-body dualism and functionalism on wikipedia, to get a more holistic field of what each proposes, and i was thinking to myself how these two actually start from different assumptions altogether.
anyway, i'm here to show off my collection of wedding cake photos (koped from online some time ago)

And ta-da. my favourite:

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