Wednesday, October 01, 2008

hehe. chi is sleeping under the bed :)
do you know that the prognosis of stopping dialysis is terrible? you live on an average of 8 days more :)
learned today in class that there's such a thing as drafting your 5 wishes (even for us.. so that in the event that something terrible does happen to us, people will know what we want...). it's kinda interesting:)
the 5 wishes are:
1) The person you want to make care decisions for you in the event that you can't (e.g. coma)
2) The kind of medical treatment you want
3) how comfortable i want to be (e.g. favourite music to be played until i die, religious readings by the bedside, massaged with warm oils..) --> linus said he wanna kill a person:S
4) how i want people to treat me (e.g lots of visitors? no visitors?)
5) any other wish (e.g. wanna tell whoever whoever you love them...)

yup. interesting ah?
finished a bilingualism presentation today! =)
i was actually saving tonight to watch movies and anime! but got tuition tmr morning. and my head hurts (probably from getting woken up by chi too early in the morning and subsequently having a full day). lol

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