Thursday, January 20, 2005

i went into class to help kaimei take care of 2N2 for a period today...and in the meantime, reprimanded them for disrespecting the teacher. they were super obedient for the next period when kaimei came in. i told them that if they want kaimei to continue teaching them, then they've gotta show it in actions. they promised.
and then what happens?
the guys went to do the dumbest thing on earth that can be done. they went to beat someone from another class of kaimei up. like O_o|||...there's a whole history to the whole thing which i dun wanna type out. but just know that what they did was the most stupid and brainless thing that could have been done at tt moment.
and i seriously don't know what's wrong with some of the students. one moment they're quite okay, another they decide to be disrespectful towards teachers. i think if we tell the discipline master everytime someone is disrespectful, we can get lots of students caned and suspended.
but what do we gain by doing so? nothing!
gim seng and mabel are leaving after this week. and clarice is basically just baby sitting the classes. whilst me and kaimei and sharline are at the frontline everyday. aargh. wellus.

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