Sunday, January 23, 2005

i am delighted:D hahaa. and excited. and contented. not contented. i am happy. jubilant. no. wrong word. not jubilant. i am. satisfied. nonono. i am...
(oh dear. blissful sounds like i'm getting married)
i am in that state whereby i realise that a new day has started and i can sit up on my bed on my own, walk around on my own, take a deep breath in without vomitting, eat food without having it all gone within a minute... i am well:D thank God! amen!
had food poisoning. hahaha. i kinda left trails everywhere i went:P
doctor said i'll take at least 2 days for my body to recover. and that i've gotta drink lots of water (a few sips at a time) 'cos my body's dehydrated from all the diarrhoea and vomitting. (dehydrated ---> no energy to walk ----> nearly fainting when you stand up)
but prayers work wonders:D thank God for the prayers for me. thanks.
by sat evening, i was able to walk. hahaha. i don't know how that sounds. but to me, it was a miracle. considering that i couldn't even sit up:P
and this morning, i feel healed:D hhahaa. i am delighted. extremely.
actually. the many hours of sleep did me good. had lack of sleep for the past few weeks and these hours of sleep really replenished the lack. and the vomitting kinda got rid of all my phlegm. haha:D
-when it was dark now there's light
when there was pain now there's joy
when there was weakness, i found my strength
all in the eyes of a boy-

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