Wednesday, July 09, 2003

chinese AO orals were... blaah-y.
they asked about dress code! i mean, like what kinda things can u comment on pple wearing t-shirt and shorts out? it's up to them. doesn't bother me. hahaha:D
i can just imagine how horrible it must have been for lydia, michelle, blah blah...
didn't get back any papers today:)
suddenly realised that i do indeed have very nice teachers. should show them more respect from now on:D do their tutorials and such:)
it's such a sad thing that we're changing chinese new teacher is shauna's former chinese teacher! can just imagine how terrible chinese lessons will become. i can just imagine how my grades will fall after being taught by an awful chinese teacher. hahaha:D
had an interesting talk about christianity with mun bill, nicole and michelle...maybe not talk...but now i have a deeper insight onto who these people are:) and some things i can start researching on once again. *grInz*

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