Monday, March 31, 2003

it's been a long time since i've updated. hahahah:D
a week and a day:) i'm a week and a day younger than jitsy:D
dunno wat to type...i can't possibly squeeze a whole week full of events in inspiration either. been sleeping the whole day:)
let me start off with this:
Walking down the street with his friend Brad, Joe said, "I'm a walking economy!"
"What do you mean by that?" Brad asked.
"My hairline is in a recession, my stomach is a victim of inflation, and the combination of those two factors is putting me in a deep depression."
vj...let me talk about vj:) vj's 02 orientation was terribly boring on monday...hahaha, quite interesting on tuesday, and was going to peak on wednesday night before they shooed us away from school 'cos of the SARS thingie:) i'm in cygnus!:) and our og's name means stars or maybe it's a star or something similar..i'm not very sure about it either. hmmz...was attached to s1e for the orientation...nice pple!:D hahaha. very enthu about everything:) they'll jump up and dance to every dance whenever the music starts...and not just 'whiney whiney'...
got assigned to s1d instead. for the proper class thingie. so sad. i was feeling quite attached to s1e. ah wellz:)
stephanie's in s1e...lydia's in the same class as me, and corinne and colin are both in s1b. apparently they arranged the names according to ur IC number. how nonsensical.
oh yah...forgot to mention... this OG names aquila was mean to almost every other OG...they came up to my og and went
-cygnus (clap clap) illness (clap clap)
cygnus (clap clap) illness (clap clap)
wat the nonsense. ah wellz:) but hui yuan's OG came up with the anti-aquila (alliteration!) cheer which goes something like...
-who wants tequila? i want i want!
who wants aquila? no one no one!
aquila aqua aquila aqua...-
then i can't remember how it's supposed to go on. hahaha:) nvm about it:)

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