Tuesday, March 13, 2012

there're times i wonder if it's good to be desensitized to things. or whether it's better to remain sensitive.
like for e.g. seeing people's cut wrists.
i mean, to me, when i see students' cut wrists and fresh wounds, i don't react, but rather go straight into half nurse/half counsellor mode. but when you see pictures posted online from people you know.. u start to wonder if u should have more of a reaction towards it.
rather than treating it as a matter of fact kind of issue. lol. thoughts like 'oh. cuts again. hmm. near wrist, lots of blood, but doesn't look deep. horizontal wounds. new ones, without any scars seen. first time cutting' comes to my mind :\ evaluative thoughts, rather than caring ones.
and yet, when i wanna switch to my caring mode, i find that i may not be the best person to talk to that person, or i know that it'd adversely affect me.
so perhaps, to protect myself, it may sometimes be better to be slightly more desensitized to things? lol

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