Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It made an impact on me when my cluster supervisor asked me if I was at The Ark, and that she saw me there.
It made an impact on me because I felt that my love for watching plays was finally converged into the counselling area. No idea why, but I've always kept my likings and my 'self' out of the counselling session, perhaps because I felt the need to behave more maturely because I'm the youngest.
but when she said that, and when she mentioned about Extremely loud and incredibly close (which was what i wanted to watch yesterday but didn't in the end), there was such a joy in my heart, like something connected between two passions that I had.
went for my first drama meeting today, and i resonate with what Dennis said about how even if they're not doing drama, they'd still go to watch plays, they'd still find out who won the oscars (things like that). i guess i resonate with that because previously i couldn't help in the production of dramas or movies, but i've always enjoyed , and actively sought them out. but to me, i've always wondered if i'm not in its production, can i still consider it as my passion?
but i guess i can, though i may not be at the same level as others, but i guess the fact that it's around on my mind constantly makes it count as well? haha.
we did a tableau today of a story in the bible. hahaha. my group did the adulterous woman scene. it was beautiful when i saw one of the teams who did a tableau of Jesus asking Peter to walk on water. it was like viewing a painting. wow.
then we did fairytales in 60 seconds. hahahahaa. that was so funny. and i'm amazed at the creativity of some of the people.
enjoyed it cos learned today.
Jiali mentioned that now it's to let Him turn passion into something eternally meaningful.
i agree! :) and i think it'd take me a long journey to discover what it means too :)
thinking if i can explore playback theatre again in the future. still considering what masters to take if i take masters in the future.
faith based counselling, were 3 words that stuck to me today as well :)

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