Monday, May 24, 2010

Am doing my best to finish up the courses from the mental health academy so that I don't have to pay another sum of money for another month's worth of unlimited subscription. hahaa.
i find it interesting to observe the differences between my own caregroup and the tg caregroup after dinner on saturday. we went to the outside of the 313 foodcourt 'cos there's a garden with seats kind of thing. my cg pple (the brothers) were intrigued by the chess pieces (personally, i was too. hahaa. quite interesting) and started having a game of chess.
the tg sisters sat down and watched.
and after a while, got bored and proceeded to the playground.
and upon coming back, got bored again ('cos the brothers started a 2nd round of chess) and sat down and waited. hahaa.
one of the differences between the needs of a female and a male is that females need conversations, men look for recreational companionship.
though not everyone is the same ba. hahaha

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