Friday, April 03, 2009

second day was a bit more tiring than the first 'cos i had to wake up at 6am instead of 6.30am. lol.
all of a sudden, i appreciate how near NUS is to the rest of the world, in comparison to NIE. hahahaa. the things you realize only when you're forced to travel further. to the people who travel to NTU everyday, wo pei fu ni men. lol
today was more of a revision on adolescence (of which i took an entire module on back in nus, so it was really a brief revision). haha. afternoon was PBL PBL and more PBL. and it suddenly struck me that PBL was what we were doing in social work classes in nus too! hahaha.
Oh! today we discussed about the definitions of freedom and having boundaries. This arose from the discussion on causes that contributed to teenagers or kids being beyond parental control (of which parents would have had filed a complaint against their own child in the juvenile court and have relinquished the 'taking care' of the child to the state). 'cos we realized that for children beyond parental control, most of the time, the parents may have been very caring to their child (contrary to the other group of delinquents whereby the parents may have been negligent towards their child in the form of loving them), yet their child went 'beyond their control', so to speak. reason being that when the child was growing up, they either did not set proper boundaries for the child (e.g. curfew of 11pm), or they swung from one extreme (being very tight with the child), to suddenly letting go and letting the child run free (e.g. the child is growing up, needs a little bit of freedom, so no harm she come back at 2am, go to clubs..). It reminds me of permissive parenting.
but i don't agree with the lecturer (who strongly advocates the role of the family in the influence of a child) completely in her view of the family's role. i believe that there're a lot of possible mediating factors (e.g. peers, personal beliefs) which may have set the boundaries for the child in his/her mind, even when boundaries to be set by an adult figure are not present. lol.
anyway, today i got to know my classmates more! :) for eg, there're two girls i hang out with more often.. i realized that one is a mother (!!!!!! she didn't look that old O.o) and one is 5 years older than me (she didn't look that old either!). hahaa. okay. i feel really young.
not to mention that i ended up in the same project group as the oldest guy in the class. it's like you're doing a project with your dad o.O

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