Monday, April 20, 2009

After a week of theory, we did something interesting in Dr Wong's class today =)
We finally had the chance to integrate all we've learned into practice. We did peer counselling.
it's very tiring. it's like u have to multitask in your brain and yet not show that you're multitasking. it's kinda like an intense shepherding session, but keeping structures and theories in mind, and being more mindful of your own body language, the other person's body language, your own speech patterns and the ways you structure your word, the other person's way of reply and content. and in the midst of it all, you need to evaluate quickly what the person is sharing, and form in your mind the different systems surrounding the people. you also have to make a mental note in your mind to remember what the person has said 'cos you need to write your case report after the session.
annd it's always easier to slip into the non-counsellor mode (for me la) into a i-am-your-friend mode. ahhhhhhhhhhhh
have to remind myself that i am a professional. i am a professional. i am a professional. i am a professional.
and we also have to be very aware of our own reactions (in our minds) and in our body language. need to beware of transference and countertransference issues. professionalism forbids us for counselling our own friends and family members.
suddenly seeing how broad this field can be (e.g. specializing in certain forms of counselling).

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