as timothy puts it, sowing will continue on. but alpha.. it really is over.
somehow or another, i still feel as if we'll be having 9am meetings that last till 4pm.. the typing out of minutes in Tahoma font size 10, the preparing for things on friday before the sessions, the various phonecalls made in the middle of the night to settle things around.. the smses from timothy or ruixia or venetia or joyce to discuss about stuff. the gathering of people to come out with new and innovative ideas. the fellowship that comes with it. the meeting together in the programming room, preparing things, feeling tired, frustrated, yet having the joy to go on, encouraging one another, getting to know one another.
the sustenance by God throughout the late nights and early mornings (or in the event of no sleep at all), the ideas given by God at 3+ in the morning due to a change of plans and withdrawing of people right before Prison break even when we've reached the brink of fatigue, the reminders by God to the moulding of character even when the body feels tempted to sin...encouraged by sisters and brothers who slept for less than 2hrs in 2 days, have another camp after this, have diarrhoea and still continued to host excellently for God...
to reminisce of all these.
i thank You, my dear God.. for this rare chance.
some photos taken by venetia:)
From left: Venetia, Me, Ruixia and Joyce(Lim)
From left: Huanyan, Bowen and Timothy
=] the programmers! technically ellson is also inside.. but poor ellson is stuck in his job. hahaa.
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