Sunday, June 24, 2007

during worship today, the words 'God has set eternity in the hearts of men' kept coming to mind.. and when Jasmine spoke, she shared about God putting eternity into our hearts as well.
the verse itself:
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end."
Ecclesiastes 3:11

God has set eternity in the hearts of men.. that's why men strive for things greater than themselves. things which are beyond what they see, things beyond what they can normally do. Beyond ourselves. Beyond the time we're limited by. A stirring in our hearts to do more..
Yet even as God has set eternity in our hearts, we're limited. We're limited by the works of sin.. the circumstances we find ourselves in, the limitations of our human body, our innate sinful nature that's been with us ever since we're born. there exists the constant struggle which lies between the hope for eternity, and our limitations.
And as human beings, we really do tend to look to the physical. When circumstances go bad, we doubt. When things don't go our way, we question. When situations get tougher, we run away. When the questions get too hard, we look for an easy explanation out. And we slowly cover the eternity set in our hearts with the limitations we possess, then we slowly melt into a sluggish blob of mash, instead of being the vessel which we can be in Christ.
And we forget that our destiny is in Christ. That we can be victorious in Him. that we can do much more when we let Jesus be at the steering wheel instead.
When we are weak, then we are strong.. because of we have an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-living God.

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