Friday, October 13, 2006

I am typing out a blogger post because i have become incapable of forming a professional sounding statement. i am doing my forensic science term paper which seems stuck at the first page and refuse to budge from there. it's 3.29am in the morning and i have my term paper to finish, as well as thinking up food for thoughts for my social psy project... which everyone has not finished either but no one seems to want to change the timing. i think i'm gonna be very stoned tmr at the project meeting (at 9am???) and very stoned for developmental psychology lecture too. which is actually quite a pity 'cos you need to be relatively alert for developmental psy lecture so that you can understand what's going on. yeah.
i am not exactly feeling very tired, but neither am i feeling very alert. i am in that drowsy state of mind whereby my brain is just working on automatic mode, barely enough for me to survive. at least my eyes are not burning. if they are, i'll feel like taking them out, dipping them in water, washing them, then putting them back in again. what a pity that we can't do that. will probably solve a lot of eye fatigue problems or whatnots.
as a followup from my previous post, i went for a swim. haha. saw this guy wearing a formal shirt and pants going into the swimming complex when i was about to go in. was quite intrigued 'cos i thought one'll probably be going for work rather than going for a swim in that type of clothes.
swimming was good. an overly friendly lifeguard scared me by happily suggesting that i put my bag in the smaller locker rather than the bigger one to save money. other than that, the weather is good, the water is blue and there's just one more free lane for me to use. haha. went into the water, stretched for like 10 seconds, then off i go.
first half lap was tiring. 'cos arms not used to flinging water out of my way once again, and arms felt tired after just a half lap. (from one side of the pool, across the length to another side, is considered as half a lap). yea. then i was resting for a while at the other side and peering around when i saw a couple kissing in the middle pool. faint. so i got diaoded slightly and went on with my swim.
it's slightly pressurizing swimming back to the side of the pool where the lifeguards are. 'cos they're constantly watching the pool, and sometimes you start to wonder if they're evaluating your swimming strokes as well. the spotlight effect. haha. then i was thinking if i can do a social psychology experiment on the pple in the pool in the future.. perhaps something abt awareness of lifeguards improving performance in water or something? the term 'real or imagined presence of others' kept coming to mind. it was lap after lap until 6.5 lap, when i took another rest. then going on to 10th lap... by then, the rhythm is there and you just keep going on and on and on and on and on. and on. and on.
hair got super tangly after swimming. and i forgot to bring shampoo. haha.
then it was lunch! or breakfast. haha.
i went home with the intention of repacking my bag to go to school. but i lay on my bed, took a deep breath in and happily fell asleep.


-when the night has come
and the land is dark
and the moon is the only light we'll see
no i won't be afraid
no i won't be afraid
just as long as you stand
stand by me-

listening to vocaluptuous once again. hahaa. shall go and bathe to wake myself up.
good morning :)

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