Saturday, April 10, 2004

this website is sent to me by both rosa and weiyang:D yup. quite colourful website. do it for fun:D
we had easter service today...which was GREAT! they started off with an impactful multimedia presentation (short. but impactful) followed by a ballet, followed by a narration (with much expression), followed by para para dance (which i thought looked relatively cool in accordance with the music...changed my mindset of para para...used to think it looks really stupid)!:D yeah! and then we had excellant praise! and a play about a court case against Jesus.
the most exciting thing is that for the VERY FIRST TIME tt i was in Hope, the WHOLE AUDITORIUM was BURSTING WITH PEOPLE until A LOT OF US MEMBERS have to sacrifice and SIT ON STEPS instead:D hahaha!:D but we dun mind! 'cos the atmosphere was so cool! i wish every week will be the same! *grInz*
the song presentation was a song called 'why'... it's a song tt presented different feelings of different people at the time of Jesus' crucifixion. very touching.
jean says she reads this blog. but she never said hi!:D hahaha. everyone who comes in here should at least say hi.
yup. this post is about the wonderful and touching easter service we had today:D let's have another post for wat i did today. hahaha:D talk so much.

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