Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Congratulations! You're a fuzzy navel!!

What Drink Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
hahaha. whatever that may be. i have never heard of it before:D prob an alcoholic drink or something. speaking of which, red wine mooncake is yummy:D lag lag lag...tried that favour last friday. hahahaha:D nina would know:)

Find your inner Smurf!

papa smurf? what does papa smurf do? how odd:)
yepz anyway.woke up super late today...i nearly fainted when i saw the time. hahaha:D poor weez had to stay at home for a long while before getting out of house to finally go to school:) can't exactly remember what i did in school today...too stoned i suppose:)
steph. here's a hug for u!:) *hugs*
had a refreshing time during bible study with junting, as well as with yingying, clydina and ming xiu:D though i think i babbled quite a lot of nonsense today. neurones in the brain aren't sending electrical impulses very well:)
wonder if the whole world's looking out for mars right now:D just looked out and saw nothing but a satellite blinking:D hehehe:) shall continue watching out for it:) used to love astronomy like nuts...buying all the astronomy books and what-nots. hahaha:) wonder what happened to that passion:) guess it has been translated to loving science-fic magazines like nuts. like Analog(!) and Asimov(!):)

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