Wednesday, May 14, 2003

turns out that stefiee's friend may know me afterall! hahaha:) 'cos for one of the days in the first three months, i crashed nj (hey! it's was one of those school holidays!) and attended one of the maths tutorial. (how studious i am) more specifically, fungi's maths tutorial. hahaha:) we especially asked her maths tutor to allow us (me, jits and guan-y) to sit in...hahaha:) and her friend remembers me! or rather, hopefully it's me she remembers...
fungi! was there a samantha in your class?:)
the world is getting so small. everyone's knowing everyone else. hahaha:) it's shrinking!
aargh. i'm going mad. maaaaaaaad.
jitsy just realised the existence of 'between the bars' today.. and she said it sounded like this ballad she got from her lit class...then she happily showed it to me and was staying in a stable position in her delusion that the poem was very nice (for a lack of a better word) until i showed her these lines:
' you'll sit on his white collar-bone,
and i'll peck out his pretty blue eyes,
with this lock of his golden hair,
we'll roof our nest when it grows bare'
ah. pretty ideas we have here. apparently, jitsy doesn't think so and thrust the entire paper into my hands. which very clearly explains why i have the poem with me right now:D
i still have no inspiration though. sadly.

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