Thursday, March 21, 2013

I'm so glad that I feel better! :D haha. my nose is still slightly blocked, but I don't feel as lethargic and weak, or as sick. hahaa. Being healthy makes a difference because being healthy allows me to have the energy to tackle issues and to work (ie. meet clients, arrange for meetings, do reports, give tuition). haha.
yay! thanks God for healthy!

Saturday, March 09, 2013

"ENFJs online are kind of like INFPs in real life. Not really but sorta. Here we feel comfortable. In the world INFPs don't feel comfortable. ENFJs feel relatively comfortable in the world.... but not so much online. There isn't enough stimuli for them.... at least the stimuli that sticks out to them. They have no facial expressions to work off of. Hardly any perceptions to make judgments on.... mostly just judgments on forums etc.

Plus they don't really need to express anything online when they can do it just fine in real life.

I made up a metaphor once.....

think of a baked potato. INFPs are your run of the mill baked potato. ENFJs are a baked potato inside out.

That means that INFPs have a guard up in real life..... and feelings (potato) are inside.

ENFJs show their feelings ..... but their guard is actually pretty strong... it's just hard to see since the feelings cover them up."

quoted from online.

lol. of course, there're also people who think they know us really well just because they know how we feel. 
i think it's really frustrating to me when I can't connect to a person, could be an occupational hazard, or could just be who I am as a person. it's especially frustrating to me since you can sense the difference between yourself and a person, but you have no idea how to bridge the gap. hahaa.
gotta continue to pray to God for wisdom in this :)

rather frustrating at times as well when people think that i'm all fun and laughter. i don't know if it's a good thing that that's the image they get, or not. i rather like to think that i'm a very serious person, and because my thoughts are very serious, and rather private at times, i would tend to temper things down so that the seriousness doesn't leak through. so in a sense, my tempering of what leaks out is done well? hahaa. but people don't believe me when I say i'm a serious person.
gotta learn to not care so much about it i guess. i have no desire to open up my thoughts to each and everyone i meet as well.
i guess people think that we're already open people cos we're very freely open with our feelings and emotions. and we share readily on what happens in our lives if asked. but check on us on more private matters, and things change.
there are quite a few aspects in my life that i reserve for the people whom i'm really close to. aspects not just with regards to thoughts, but with regards to regularity, or even some privileges. hahaa.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

"We're not interested in the most popular people, the one's who are the center of attention tend not to get ours, we like the quiet person we can have deep conversations with, the one's who allow us to open up and be ourselves, and the intellectuals are particularily attractive to us."
