Monday, April 23, 2012

saw this from an enfj forum:

a reply to comments on how enfjs can cut off their relationships (in general) fast and not look back:
"i have noticed that I hold onto relationships until they are so dead that when it finally breaks for good, it's not really shocking and i'm surprised at how i tend to not feel as much pain as i anticipated--but that is because i felt so much pain when the relationship started dying...(i guess identical to how one grieves a death resulting from a long-term disease as compared to how one grieves an unexpected death...)"
--> i can understand. i think the anticipation's worse than the actual thing. and since the anticipation's so painful, the actual thing was not actually as bad as the actual thing. a morbid way of putting it would be that with each new friendship i have, i already start to anticipate the end, how it'd end, what it'd mean when the friendship drift apart, what i'd miss. things like that T_T

on how enfjs tend to have many friends, and how the friends whom enfjs treasure deeply may think:
"but she saw me open up to a lot of people--so why would she think I thought any more highly of her than all my other friends? It was so odd because she was so clearly special to me... It was hard to understand how she evaluated my sincerity levels based on how many other people I talked to. I didnt understand why she did NOT want to talk to a lot of people all the time too-- then it would be so easy for her to tell that even if you have a lot of acquaintenances or friends, that doesnt subtract from your really good friendships..."
--> there are friends, good friends, and there are those who will always be more closely placed in our hearts than others. the ones we won't hesitate to sacrifice or die for.

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