This week hasn't exactly been as fruitful as I'd have liked it to be.. For example, I've not completed my adolescent psy critique, nor have i finished studying for trauma test, which is coming up next thursday :) but i've rested quite a bit today (which is good, i guess) and though there's still a lot of things to do, i guess i'm more or less ready to face the second half of the semester (mentally and psychologically. haha)
i think i miss going down to the kindergartens and do data collection with the kids :) lol. they've gotten smarter, and slightly naughtier over the months. more fun to play with i suppose. ah well .
touch is the essential element to keeping a relationship vibrant and alive, communication is the other:)
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am."
Jesus, of course, was talking about coming back to get his followers to take them to be with him in Heaven.
Jesus' first coming is an indisputable fact of history. His second coming is just as certain. What isn't certain is the date of his coming. Over the years many have tried to predict that date and have fallen flat on their face. Only God knows that day.
Others have accused us Christians of being so heavenly minded we are of no earthly use. True, some people are this way, but that is when they use their religion as an escape from or defense against facing their own reality.
I appreciate what David Shibley wrote: "Remember a 'heavenly minded' Wilberforce whose passion for human dignity helped eradicate the slave trade throughout the British empire. Go to the inner city of Chicago and watch the tireless workers at the Pacific Garden Mission as they tell inquiring street people how to get to heaven while providing them food and shelter on the way. Scan the world and look at the thousands of hospitals, shelters, leprosariums, children's homes and colleges that have been built in heaven's honor. The point is obvious. Those who truly set their sights on another world are often the most active for constructive change in this one.
As C.S. Lewis suggested it is when we cease to think of the other world (Heaven) we become ineffective in this one.
Jesus, of course, was talking about coming back to get his followers to take them to be with him in Heaven.
Jesus' first coming is an indisputable fact of history. His second coming is just as certain. What isn't certain is the date of his coming. Over the years many have tried to predict that date and have fallen flat on their face. Only God knows that day.
Others have accused us Christians of being so heavenly minded we are of no earthly use. True, some people are this way, but that is when they use their religion as an escape from or defense against facing their own reality.
I appreciate what David Shibley wrote: "Remember a 'heavenly minded' Wilberforce whose passion for human dignity helped eradicate the slave trade throughout the British empire. Go to the inner city of Chicago and watch the tireless workers at the Pacific Garden Mission as they tell inquiring street people how to get to heaven while providing them food and shelter on the way. Scan the world and look at the thousands of hospitals, shelters, leprosariums, children's homes and colleges that have been built in heaven's honor. The point is obvious. Those who truly set their sights on another world are often the most active for constructive change in this one.
As C.S. Lewis suggested it is when we cease to think of the other world (Heaven) we become ineffective in this one.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
i can't find my bible :( was thinking about the verse about having gift of prophecy blah blah, 'but have not love, i am but a resounding gong.' Wanted to look it up, then i realised with a shock that i've lost my bible. yes i know there's an online bible, but it's just now the same. all my penning down of questions and additional notes and highlightings... the words i treasure from my dear God... the Word of God which has greatly encouraged me, taught me, comforted me, disciplined me, gave me direction.. now i don't have my bible to hold in my hands, to pray, to flip when i'm sitting on my bed and spending time with Him.
my manual for life.. lost at this current moment.
my manual for life.. lost at this current moment.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
hahaa. this is the song which me and huili and calyn kept singing at hq today:D
really love this song! think the lyrics mirror what i really want to express onto God and what i really believe.
-every tribe and tongue, every land will sing Your praise
to the end of time, we'll sing
'Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal' 2 Corinthians 4:16-18.
everyday we make a choice to look towards something:) everyday we make a choice in our response to something:) everyday the Holy Spirit guides me to make a choice in my actions, thoughts, words and deeds. sometimes i listen to it.. sometimes i don't...
i think the brother in team leaders' course really made a good point:) though i've heard it before.. it still holds true:)
'do you wake up each morning saying 'good morning Lord!' or do you wake up each morning saying 'good Lord! morning :('
haha :)
-there's no escaping the truth
there's no mistaking it's You'
everyday we make a choice to look towards something:) everyday we make a choice in our response to something:) everyday the Holy Spirit guides me to make a choice in my actions, thoughts, words and deeds. sometimes i listen to it.. sometimes i don't...
i think the brother in team leaders' course really made a good point:) though i've heard it before.. it still holds true:)
'do you wake up each morning saying 'good morning Lord!' or do you wake up each morning saying 'good Lord! morning :('
haha :)
-there's no escaping the truth
there's no mistaking it's You'
i realised in the afternoon, when i was heading off to science for a project meeting.. that yesterday night, i didn't eat dinner. and this morning, i didn't eat breakfast.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
After a week or so of sleeping for 3-5 hours consecutively, my body could not keep up with the rate of work anymore.. this morning i woke up feeling nauseous.. this evening, the nausea came back and followed me through from clementi to toa payoh. i was supposed to have tuition tonight, but at the rate i was going, i figured it'll be safer to head home instead.
hehe:) finally, a night of rest:) ironically, the only night that i'm home before 10pm, my whole family's out on a wedding dinner. haha.
have been carrying out recordings and testings these few days for irp:) it's actually quite fun collecting the data.. hahaa. Really thank God for Dr Tan (remind me to comment on certain things later) and her lab. She's got a cool lab! with sofas and soft toys (not that i'm particularly a fan of soft toys.. but having soft toys in school really help to calm people's nerves.. especially before an experiment). haha. and she's got a wonderful corner in her room that is so quiet when you close the door. brilliant for recording people speaking!:)
there was this time during testing that a little boy and his grandmother were directed to the infant lab by an undergraduate(till now i still wonder why). the boy's grandfather is a professor and he was being interviewed for some stuff.. so they asked if they could sit at the sofa. i had the opportunity to interact with this 29 months old little boy who sang a korean song and danced for me. hahaha. i think i could see a bit of why people love infants :)
and since the boy falls in the age range that Dr Tan is looking for, i took the liberty to pass the small piece of paper about the research to the grandmother. lalala.
recently i was thinking about how social hierarchy causes a boundary to be put up between people. perhaps it's just me.. but i always have the feeling that there should be a distance kept between the lecturer and me.. and this of course includes Dr Tan.. and even the way of addressing her puts her at a level different from me - which is true in a way because of the fact that she's my supervisor and i'm not.. haha. but the thing is, it causes me to wonder if i can add her on facebook (perhaps in the future?:S) and of course, the conversation topics. like sometimes i feel like asking how her day has been and all...but i'm scared that it'll be too informal. lol. it's the title! and the setting! lol :) she reminds me of.. marlene lee. Dr Marlene Lee (who taught me abnormal psy) was really nice too. and ziwei. hahaa. 'cos ziwei is so childlike (not childish), yet so knowledgeable and wide in her field of knowledge:) but all in all, thank God for her.
don't mind me. i think about silly things :)
ohoh. Dr Tang mentioned that there might be a module called psychology in gender in the following sem. sounds good!:D haha. i just realised that my area of interest is quite strange.. gender, linguistics and developmental disorders. as strange as how my two favourite subjects were literature and biology. lol.
hehe:) finally, a night of rest:) ironically, the only night that i'm home before 10pm, my whole family's out on a wedding dinner. haha.
have been carrying out recordings and testings these few days for irp:) it's actually quite fun collecting the data.. hahaa. Really thank God for Dr Tan (remind me to comment on certain things later) and her lab. She's got a cool lab! with sofas and soft toys (not that i'm particularly a fan of soft toys.. but having soft toys in school really help to calm people's nerves.. especially before an experiment). haha. and she's got a wonderful corner in her room that is so quiet when you close the door. brilliant for recording people speaking!:)
there was this time during testing that a little boy and his grandmother were directed to the infant lab by an undergraduate(till now i still wonder why). the boy's grandfather is a professor and he was being interviewed for some stuff.. so they asked if they could sit at the sofa. i had the opportunity to interact with this 29 months old little boy who sang a korean song and danced for me. hahaha. i think i could see a bit of why people love infants :)
and since the boy falls in the age range that Dr Tan is looking for, i took the liberty to pass the small piece of paper about the research to the grandmother. lalala.
recently i was thinking about how social hierarchy causes a boundary to be put up between people. perhaps it's just me.. but i always have the feeling that there should be a distance kept between the lecturer and me.. and this of course includes Dr Tan.. and even the way of addressing her puts her at a level different from me - which is true in a way because of the fact that she's my supervisor and i'm not.. haha. but the thing is, it causes me to wonder if i can add her on facebook (perhaps in the future?:S) and of course, the conversation topics. like sometimes i feel like asking how her day has been and all...but i'm scared that it'll be too informal. lol. it's the title! and the setting! lol :) she reminds me of.. marlene lee. Dr Marlene Lee (who taught me abnormal psy) was really nice too. and ziwei. hahaa. 'cos ziwei is so childlike (not childish), yet so knowledgeable and wide in her field of knowledge:) but all in all, thank God for her.
don't mind me. i think about silly things :)
ohoh. Dr Tang mentioned that there might be a module called psychology in gender in the following sem. sounds good!:D haha. i just realised that my area of interest is quite strange.. gender, linguistics and developmental disorders. as strange as how my two favourite subjects were literature and biology. lol.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
There're so many things to coordinate and consider in just doing a study O.o
[160907] - when my internet connection was done due to a dislodged wire.
Refiners’ fire
My heart’s one desire
Is to be holy
Set apart for You Lord
I choose to be – Holy
Set apart for You my Master
Ready to do Your will
Today we had our Hope 16th Anniversary! : ) I really love this church. This group of people whom I’ve spent my JC and uni years with.. the people who taught me so much, who loved me so much, who refined me so much. The church where I’ve learned much about God, about serving Him, loving Him.. the church who’s equipped me with the skills to gain more from the WOG and helped instill in me a heart and desire to love and know Him more. Though my church is not perfect (we’re still living in the world after all), and there are times when I feel frustrated with certain systems, certain things.. I still love Hope dearly : ) We grow together, get moulded and sharpened together, and generally pull each other along over the hurdles of life and continue stumbling or running in this spiritual race set ahead of us.
Let all the people sing of
Your awesome power in all the earth
Let all the nations bow their knees
Why would the nations rage when
The King is on His throne
Now and forever YOU WILL REIGN!
Haven’t felt so exhilarated in praise and worship for some time! Though running around during praise was super amusing, it sure got people moving.. and the transition to the space before the stage rather than at the side facilitated in moving into the presence of God. Halfway through the praise and worship, I was thinking to myself.. it really is not about the music, really not about the atmosphere… but your condition of the heart with God. A worshipful heart will worship God regardless of the situations. A worshipful heart will give thanks to God, will be touched by the lyrics, ministered by the song.. simply because a worshipful heart will have been visited by the presence of God and in the presence of God, the heart bows and realizes how small it is to be loved by such an awesome and miraculous God.
If there’s one small thing I agree with Pastor PN about, it’s the thing about faith rising up from the heart, to the head, and to the hands. I think adoration of God during praise and worship happens in this manner too. The rising of awe in the heart when there’s a heart-to-heart connection, then to the mind (the understanding of the amazing characteristics of God) and subsequently an outward manifestation of this awestruck heart.. be it the raising of hands at that moment, or the diligence in serving God in the future.. it’s really an outward manifestation of an inward transformation.
JUMP conference tomorrow! I know I’ll be tired (from a lack of sleep), but I sure am excited about it!
Refiners’ fire
My heart’s one desire
Is to be holy
Set apart for You Lord
I choose to be – Holy
Set apart for You my Master
Ready to do Your will
Today we had our Hope 16th Anniversary! : ) I really love this church. This group of people whom I’ve spent my JC and uni years with.. the people who taught me so much, who loved me so much, who refined me so much. The church where I’ve learned much about God, about serving Him, loving Him.. the church who’s equipped me with the skills to gain more from the WOG and helped instill in me a heart and desire to love and know Him more. Though my church is not perfect (we’re still living in the world after all), and there are times when I feel frustrated with certain systems, certain things.. I still love Hope dearly : ) We grow together, get moulded and sharpened together, and generally pull each other along over the hurdles of life and continue stumbling or running in this spiritual race set ahead of us.
Let all the people sing of
Your awesome power in all the earth
Let all the nations bow their knees
Why would the nations rage when
The King is on His throne
Now and forever YOU WILL REIGN!
Haven’t felt so exhilarated in praise and worship for some time! Though running around during praise was super amusing, it sure got people moving.. and the transition to the space before the stage rather than at the side facilitated in moving into the presence of God. Halfway through the praise and worship, I was thinking to myself.. it really is not about the music, really not about the atmosphere… but your condition of the heart with God. A worshipful heart will worship God regardless of the situations. A worshipful heart will give thanks to God, will be touched by the lyrics, ministered by the song.. simply because a worshipful heart will have been visited by the presence of God and in the presence of God, the heart bows and realizes how small it is to be loved by such an awesome and miraculous God.
If there’s one small thing I agree with Pastor PN about, it’s the thing about faith rising up from the heart, to the head, and to the hands. I think adoration of God during praise and worship happens in this manner too. The rising of awe in the heart when there’s a heart-to-heart connection, then to the mind (the understanding of the amazing characteristics of God) and subsequently an outward manifestation of this awestruck heart.. be it the raising of hands at that moment, or the diligence in serving God in the future.. it’s really an outward manifestation of an inward transformation.
JUMP conference tomorrow! I know I’ll be tired (from a lack of sleep), but I sure am excited about it!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
this morning, i slept around 4++ 5am again.
this morning i got awakened around 7.57am by two things - 1) a shaking sensation 2)the door making a lot of noise. it was then that i realised that i'm experience tremors from another earthquake. probably from indonesia. the first thing i did was to open my door and off my fan (electrical power supply O.o). waking up alarmed is not a good idea.
that's when i realised that my fight or flight mechanism has already kicked in.. dilated pupils, increased heart beat, tensed muscles..
checking channelnewsasia.. it's the result of another earthquake from south indonesia, measuring 8.0 on the richter scale. oh man. can you imagine? if we can feel it from south indonesia, won't it be much much worse over at south indonesia itself?:S yesterday's night's tremors (according to reports) was also quite bad. both my parents got aroused from their bed.. one of my neighbour vomitted upon reaching flat ground. :S
and i think people are getting traumatised from the tremors...'cos it's like.. we don't usually experience it, so when we do experience a bit of it, it scares us like crazy as we do not know what's going on (alongside with the fact tt we don't know if the building can take the swaying). to us, it's perceived danger! hahaa. traumatised because we perceive it to be traumatising?:)
i hope my body can hold up today :( God, i need Your strength!
this morning i got awakened around 7.57am by two things - 1) a shaking sensation 2)the door making a lot of noise. it was then that i realised that i'm experience tremors from another earthquake. probably from indonesia. the first thing i did was to open my door and off my fan (electrical power supply O.o). waking up alarmed is not a good idea.
that's when i realised that my fight or flight mechanism has already kicked in.. dilated pupils, increased heart beat, tensed muscles..
checking channelnewsasia.. it's the result of another earthquake from south indonesia, measuring 8.0 on the richter scale. oh man. can you imagine? if we can feel it from south indonesia, won't it be much much worse over at south indonesia itself?:S yesterday's night's tremors (according to reports) was also quite bad. both my parents got aroused from their bed.. one of my neighbour vomitted upon reaching flat ground. :S
and i think people are getting traumatised from the tremors...'cos it's like.. we don't usually experience it, so when we do experience a bit of it, it scares us like crazy as we do not know what's going on (alongside with the fact tt we don't know if the building can take the swaying). to us, it's perceived danger! hahaa. traumatised because we perceive it to be traumatising?:)
i hope my body can hold up today :( God, i need Your strength!
After straining my body with 6 straight hours of lessons and followup with hf, i strain it even more by finishing up allocating timeslots and drawing nonsensical stuff:)











Was reading the posts on the wall of the group that says 'Don't hate me because I'm Gifted' in facebook. haha. facebook tends to trigger off interesting comments:) I'm amused/surprised that people are still discussing about it after all these years. Actually, identifying with what one of them said 'I haven't thought of myself as a gepper for a very long time'. Yes, i know what you mean.
i think the thing about once being a gepper (it was just a programme in secondary school, to me at least) is that people assume that you're smart. I don't know how they define this. I'll much like to say that gep people tend to be off tangent in their own ways. hahaha. to some teachers, we were obnoxious, loud, rude and disrespectful. To others, they probably know us more as a fun-loving bunch of students who were encouraged to voice their views (amidst doing funny things in class). I guess along the way, the misconceived notions get wiped out, (or reinforced, depending on which batch of students you're looking at. and which teacher you talk to.)
Maybe that's when I started to feel strongly against discrimination. I remember explaining to some of the rest of the population that 'no, not all geppers are snobbish' and 'we're just normal people' and 'we study the same things... just that we have some stuff like IRS' and so on and so forth.
but other than that, we're pretty the same bunch of people as everyone else:) just nurtured in a slightly different style during the years when we were trying to form our identity. we had our share of problems (i don't know if they're exactly classified as normal.. ) and our share of fun times (e.g. soccer, basketball..). we formed groups and subsequently the groups dissolved after 4 years together.. we laugh, cry, hug, play, eat, bleed, breathe, live. and we don't study from 7am to 7pm (of which i've seen other students doing before O.o)
i think i quite enjoyed those years:) though for me, it was really a period of storm and stress (imagine my surprise when i learned that most adolescents don't have this period!), thinking back, i'm glad i went through it. being with the same 35 people from 4 years mean that you get the chance to know at least half of them pretty well.
seriously speaking, i don't think i'm gifted. i may be able to read faster, retain faster... but previous years of laziness has caused an effect on me psychologically and mentally. i've got gifted friends though:) not just in the area of study, but in the various areas they dabble in.. people who are successful in the eyes of the world. half of them are somewhere around the world. half of them in singapore. quite cool. hahaa. i'm friends with future lawyers, politicians, lots of psychologists and many people in their various areas of study.
yupyup. that's my little contribution on a long-forgotten topic.
and i've pretty much ascertained that my interest is in the field of psycholinguistics, particularly that dealing with disorders (e.g. SLI). or else i'm interested in disorders per se (e.g. down syndrome, williams syndrome). anything out of the norm interests me... especially when it affects the cognitive and behavioural component. how did i ascertain this? through my perpectually combined interest in languages, linguistics (wanting to do an english studies minor) and biology. hahaha. how do i know i'm not interested in other fields? primarily through my response towards certain modules. for e.g, i've always thought i had an interest in the clinical field of psychology.. but no.. trauma puts me to sleep. adolescent psych bores me slightly. social psych doesn't even prick my interest much. biological psych is fun, but i don't know how to expand on it.
i've not done cognitive psych.. so that'll probably be a good gauge of whether i'm really interested in psycholinguistics or not. interest does not indicate flair. let's see how it goes.
(and even as i type this, there's a part of me that's going : i wish i can just watch anime for a job. i don't mind writing up summaries for every episode and give comments and what-nots. lol)
i think the thing about once being a gepper (it was just a programme in secondary school, to me at least) is that people assume that you're smart. I don't know how they define this. I'll much like to say that gep people tend to be off tangent in their own ways. hahaha. to some teachers, we were obnoxious, loud, rude and disrespectful. To others, they probably know us more as a fun-loving bunch of students who were encouraged to voice their views (amidst doing funny things in class). I guess along the way, the misconceived notions get wiped out, (or reinforced, depending on which batch of students you're looking at. and which teacher you talk to.)
Maybe that's when I started to feel strongly against discrimination. I remember explaining to some of the rest of the population that 'no, not all geppers are snobbish' and 'we're just normal people' and 'we study the same things... just that we have some stuff like IRS' and so on and so forth.
but other than that, we're pretty the same bunch of people as everyone else:) just nurtured in a slightly different style during the years when we were trying to form our identity. we had our share of problems (i don't know if they're exactly classified as normal.. ) and our share of fun times (e.g. soccer, basketball..). we formed groups and subsequently the groups dissolved after 4 years together.. we laugh, cry, hug, play, eat, bleed, breathe, live. and we don't study from 7am to 7pm (of which i've seen other students doing before O.o)
i think i quite enjoyed those years:) though for me, it was really a period of storm and stress (imagine my surprise when i learned that most adolescents don't have this period!), thinking back, i'm glad i went through it. being with the same 35 people from 4 years mean that you get the chance to know at least half of them pretty well.
seriously speaking, i don't think i'm gifted. i may be able to read faster, retain faster... but previous years of laziness has caused an effect on me psychologically and mentally. i've got gifted friends though:) not just in the area of study, but in the various areas they dabble in.. people who are successful in the eyes of the world. half of them are somewhere around the world. half of them in singapore. quite cool. hahaa. i'm friends with future lawyers, politicians, lots of psychologists and many people in their various areas of study.
yupyup. that's my little contribution on a long-forgotten topic.
and i've pretty much ascertained that my interest is in the field of psycholinguistics, particularly that dealing with disorders (e.g. SLI). or else i'm interested in disorders per se (e.g. down syndrome, williams syndrome). anything out of the norm interests me... especially when it affects the cognitive and behavioural component. how did i ascertain this? through my perpectually combined interest in languages, linguistics (wanting to do an english studies minor) and biology. hahaha. how do i know i'm not interested in other fields? primarily through my response towards certain modules. for e.g, i've always thought i had an interest in the clinical field of psychology.. but no.. trauma puts me to sleep. adolescent psych bores me slightly. social psych doesn't even prick my interest much. biological psych is fun, but i don't know how to expand on it.
i've not done cognitive psych.. so that'll probably be a good gauge of whether i'm really interested in psycholinguistics or not. interest does not indicate flair. let's see how it goes.
(and even as i type this, there's a part of me that's going : i wish i can just watch anime for a job. i don't mind writing up summaries for every episode and give comments and what-nots. lol)
This is an interested site --> click here .. courtesy of Dr Tan :) though i think it stresses me out just by being on the site itself, trying to write a word with the beautiful patterns and colours. Oh. but i really love the colours:)
Just as how I really love the colours on google calender (another application introduced by Dr Tan). hahaa. as well as the colours of the tabs in my firefox.
team captains' course yesterday. hohoho. i just realised that the last lesson's right smack in the middle of my exams. quite interesting i guess. 'cos previously no one has really defined team ministry for us before. yup. personally, i still enjoy pastoral ministry more than team ministry.. but i'm still glad to have the chance to learn more about the intricate workings within the church.
Just as how I really love the colours on google calender (another application introduced by Dr Tan). hahaa. as well as the colours of the tabs in my firefox.
team captains' course yesterday. hohoho. i just realised that the last lesson's right smack in the middle of my exams. quite interesting i guess. 'cos previously no one has really defined team ministry for us before. yup. personally, i still enjoy pastoral ministry more than team ministry.. but i'm still glad to have the chance to learn more about the intricate workings within the church.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
nature vs nurture.
another thing i've been thinking about:) hahaha.
i think the thought got triggered off when my microbes lecturer mentioned tt 75% of the students studying medicine have their own cars.. makes you wonder, doesn't it? the environment that one grows in does make a difference. the influence you get, the amount of pressure in terms of studies, the things expected of you from young, the training you get from young, the things that mould you as a person from young...
like for example, if you come from a family whereby your parents are both highly educated, there's a chance more than likely than your parents will expect the same of you.. and thus train you from young to be diligent, keeping watch over your work, instilling a sense the need to achieve higher... i'm not saying that these won't happen if your parents are not highly educated, it's just that i suppose the sense of the need to achieve higher might not be as great.. it's something desirable, but might not be something needed. and the felt need to aim even further might be even lesser if your parents are chinese speaking (?)
so all in all, it might actually boil down to SES. hahaha. okay. i went one big round to realise that SES is a good factor to consider when we look at things. bother.
oh shucks! my otah!
another thing i've been thinking about:) hahaha.
i think the thought got triggered off when my microbes lecturer mentioned tt 75% of the students studying medicine have their own cars.. makes you wonder, doesn't it? the environment that one grows in does make a difference. the influence you get, the amount of pressure in terms of studies, the things expected of you from young, the training you get from young, the things that mould you as a person from young...
like for example, if you come from a family whereby your parents are both highly educated, there's a chance more than likely than your parents will expect the same of you.. and thus train you from young to be diligent, keeping watch over your work, instilling a sense the need to achieve higher... i'm not saying that these won't happen if your parents are not highly educated, it's just that i suppose the sense of the need to achieve higher might not be as great.. it's something desirable, but might not be something needed. and the felt need to aim even further might be even lesser if your parents are chinese speaking (?)
so all in all, it might actually boil down to SES. hahaha. okay. i went one big round to realise that SES is a good factor to consider when we look at things. bother.
oh shucks! my otah!
Haven't been updating for a while:) Can't remember the last time I've updated either.
School's been fine. IRP was coming to a small standstill due to my more phlegmatic nature (no. i don't think i'm choleric), but some hidden task-oriented nature within me kicked in after talking to steph on gmail and Dr Tan asked about my progress. ah. IRP is more troublesome than i thought it would be :) procedures are troublesome. i like to read journals. i like to read textbooks. i like to read. finito. but i don't like to use my brains to apply. what's the use in reading if you're not going to apply what you've read? LOL.
on a side note, my cat has just decided to go and sleep on her side right smack in the middle of my doorway. hmm. and she's just rolled over on her back, then subsequently recovered her sideways position and opened her eyes to look at what i'm doing. after deciding that what i'm doing is of no interest to her, she has decidedly closed her eyes once more, rolled on her back (with paws in the air) and proceeded to continue napping:)
you know. it's quite disastrous to have a goldfish in a tank (my family's newly acquired 'pet') along your corridor when you have a cat frequenting your house ever so often. i found her sitting on the floor, looking intently at the tank today. and thus, to prevent any possibility of a tragedy, i shifted a chair out, sat by the tank and proceeded to read the book i've got on loan from the clementi bookstore while waiting for the rest of the pple to show up to go for MAD (members appreciation day) together. now. wasn't that a mouthful? back to the goldfish. there were three. then 1 died. and then, another died. and this third one had no food for 6 days (though i seriously wonder if my neighbours have kindly been feeding the fish with their own fishfood) due to the fact that my dad seems to have the misguided notion that fishes do not need to eat (it could be that he's more used to dead fish.. seeing that he sells them everyday) and my mum have no inkling as to where she can obtain fishfood. due to my busy schedule and limited resources, i've also postponed the buying of fishfood till today. that's not to say that i didn't try.. i did! but the petshop in clementi didn't have fishfood. kekeke.
why am i on the topic of fishfood anyway?
goldfishes remind me of Dr Tan. 'cos she has a tank of formerly trained goldfishes in her office (formerly trained by Dr Trevor Penny to see if the fish do learn to follow light or something.. the trace of that memory has nicely eroded quite a bit). there were times within the week when i was considering asking Dr Tan if i can kope some of her fishfood to feed my poor dying goldfish which is going to starve to death soon. at some time during the week, i've also pondered the possibility that someone's gonna report us to SPCA for negligence in taking care of a pet. though i have no idea how the pet came to be, i'd guess any animal within a meter's radius of my household is automatically adopted, if not by me, by my parents, to be a pet.
i'm sleepy :)
School's been fine. IRP was coming to a small standstill due to my more phlegmatic nature (no. i don't think i'm choleric), but some hidden task-oriented nature within me kicked in after talking to steph on gmail and Dr Tan asked about my progress. ah. IRP is more troublesome than i thought it would be :) procedures are troublesome. i like to read journals. i like to read textbooks. i like to read. finito. but i don't like to use my brains to apply. what's the use in reading if you're not going to apply what you've read? LOL.
on a side note, my cat has just decided to go and sleep on her side right smack in the middle of my doorway. hmm. and she's just rolled over on her back, then subsequently recovered her sideways position and opened her eyes to look at what i'm doing. after deciding that what i'm doing is of no interest to her, she has decidedly closed her eyes once more, rolled on her back (with paws in the air) and proceeded to continue napping:)
you know. it's quite disastrous to have a goldfish in a tank (my family's newly acquired 'pet') along your corridor when you have a cat frequenting your house ever so often. i found her sitting on the floor, looking intently at the tank today. and thus, to prevent any possibility of a tragedy, i shifted a chair out, sat by the tank and proceeded to read the book i've got on loan from the clementi bookstore while waiting for the rest of the pple to show up to go for MAD (members appreciation day) together. now. wasn't that a mouthful? back to the goldfish. there were three. then 1 died. and then, another died. and this third one had no food for 6 days (though i seriously wonder if my neighbours have kindly been feeding the fish with their own fishfood) due to the fact that my dad seems to have the misguided notion that fishes do not need to eat (it could be that he's more used to dead fish.. seeing that he sells them everyday) and my mum have no inkling as to where she can obtain fishfood. due to my busy schedule and limited resources, i've also postponed the buying of fishfood till today. that's not to say that i didn't try.. i did! but the petshop in clementi didn't have fishfood. kekeke.
why am i on the topic of fishfood anyway?
goldfishes remind me of Dr Tan. 'cos she has a tank of formerly trained goldfishes in her office (formerly trained by Dr Trevor Penny to see if the fish do learn to follow light or something.. the trace of that memory has nicely eroded quite a bit). there were times within the week when i was considering asking Dr Tan if i can kope some of her fishfood to feed my poor dying goldfish which is going to starve to death soon. at some time during the week, i've also pondered the possibility that someone's gonna report us to SPCA for negligence in taking care of a pet. though i have no idea how the pet came to be, i'd guess any animal within a meter's radius of my household is automatically adopted, if not by me, by my parents, to be a pet.
i'm sleepy :)
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
After a few trial and errors, as well as reading the reviews online.. here's my own verdict on the Asience shampoo.
It causes dandruff. Not good for Singapore climate. Maybe it's just not suitable for me.
alternatively, Asience conditioner continues to have thumbs up from me:D
switching back to CLEAR shampoo. lalala.
It causes dandruff. Not good for Singapore climate. Maybe it's just not suitable for me.
alternatively, Asience conditioner continues to have thumbs up from me:D
switching back to CLEAR shampoo. lalala.
Monday, September 03, 2007
You Are Likely a Second Born |
![]() At your darkest moments, you feel inadequate. At work and school. you do best when you're evaluating. When you love someone, you offer them constructive criticism. In friendship, you tend to give a lot of feedback - positive and negative. Your ideal careers are: accounting, banking, art, carpentry, decorating, teaching, and writing novels. You will leave your mark on the world with art and creative projects. |
The results of the above quiz is pasted so as to remind us that these kind of quizzes (or all quizzes in general) can be faulty. i'm a first-born btw:)
You Should Get a MD (Doctor of Medicine) |
![]() You're both compassionate and brilliant - a rare combination. You were born to be a doctor. |
Your Inner Color is Blue |
![]() Your Personality: Your natural warmth and intuition nurtures those around you. You are accepting and always follow your heart. You in Love: Relationships are your top priority, and this includes love. You are most happy when you are serious with someone. Your Career: You need to help others in your job to feel satistifed. You would be a great nurse, psychologist, or counselor. |
yay. i'm on the right path. hahaa.
You Are a Purple Crayon |
![]() Your world is colored in dreamy, divine, and classy colors. You hold yourself to a sky high standard, and you are always graceful. People envy, idolize, and copy you without realizing it. You are an icon for those who know you. And while it is hard to be a perfectionist, rest assured it's paying off! Your color wheel opposite is yellow. While yellow people may be wise, they lack the manners and class needed to impress you. |
=] i like purple! and i dislike yellow. so there.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
got this from yishyan's blog. hahaha. someone remind me to update my links soon:)
Rules: Each player of the game starts off by writing 6 weird things about themselves before choosing another 6 of their friends to "sabo". People who get tagged needs to write in a blog on their own, 6 weird things about themselves and state the rules clearly.
1) Coffee doesn't keep me awake. It makes me sleep :) haha.
2) Unlike most people, I have no particular preference for chocolates, soft toys, babies, clothes, shopping and shuai-ges/mei-nus. They just don't excite me as anime, games, sushi (:D:D:D)...
3) I like to chew on lemon slices. oishii.
4) I like the floor. I like to sit on the floor, sleep on the floor (if i'm staying overnight in people's house and there's no more space to sleep).
5) I don't watch tv. I've not watched any tv for around 1 year+++.
6) Eating cheesecake makes me depressed. I ate a slice of American cheese cake before and my emotions promptly dropped without reason before it slowly returned back to normal an hour later.
6 weird stuff from 6 ppl
Jiali, Zhen Zhong, Johnson, Zhi Chun, Shu Yi, Cindy
(dun feel obliged though:)
yay. finished. so tiring to think of things. haha
Rules: Each player of the game starts off by writing 6 weird things about themselves before choosing another 6 of their friends to "sabo". People who get tagged needs to write in a blog on their own, 6 weird things about themselves and state the rules clearly.
1) Coffee doesn't keep me awake. It makes me sleep :) haha.
2) Unlike most people, I have no particular preference for chocolates, soft toys, babies, clothes, shopping and shuai-ges/mei-nus. They just don't excite me as anime, games, sushi (:D:D:D)...
3) I like to chew on lemon slices. oishii.
4) I like the floor. I like to sit on the floor, sleep on the floor (if i'm staying overnight in people's house and there's no more space to sleep).
5) I don't watch tv. I've not watched any tv for around 1 year+++.
6) Eating cheesecake makes me depressed. I ate a slice of American cheese cake before and my emotions promptly dropped without reason before it slowly returned back to normal an hour later.
6 weird stuff from 6 ppl
Jiali, Zhen Zhong, Johnson, Zhi Chun, Shu Yi, Cindy
(dun feel obliged though:)
yay. finished. so tiring to think of things. haha