Tuesday, November 02, 2004

ah. i'm supposed to be banned from the comp. so what am i doing up here now? to save my messages from exploding. hahaha:D

dear nygep'99 pioneers,

yes! nygep reunion after As!
tentatively two dates: 30th nov (tues) and 1st dec (wed).
time and venue not set. i'll think about them after my As. hahaha:D
if you haven't replied to my msg, reply soon. currently, response for 1st dec is quite good. except tt yengyong, nina, jo and grace can't make it. and qing and trace are uncertain.
btw. fungi requested for basketball to be in the programme. if you have more ideas, can just sms me. haha. i won't reply though. lack of smses.
please help pass the word around. i only have the numbers of 20++ pple. hehe.
that's all for now. if anyone wants to help me in preparation, please ensure your papers do not end later than the 26th. which means that all humanities S paper pple are out. muahaha:D
okay. all the best for your exams! we'll see each other soon:D hahaha. continue to encourage each other k? sms someone u haven't smsed in a long time! seeya.

your dear adorable cow,
daisytoots:P hahahaha:D

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