Sunday, December 21, 2003

yeah. had Y-Acts for the past week. super tiring. but super ... rewarding and fulfilling:D
i did learn to play the harmonica, and did learn to speak a bit of malay...and one line of tamil:D i also talked to lots of pple i don't know...found out a bit more about my Toa Payoh neighbourhood, exchanged email address with someone called Lisa from London (who said she's going to send me lots of jokes), met someone from Mauritius, explained the education system to someone from Australia and made friends with two pple from Indonesia --- Maria and Feethlee (dunno how to spell). quite a lot of stuff actually...the X-Jammers will know it:) i think the Y-Acts programme was really a success... during the campfire when all of us shared, think all of us really have these memories imprinted in our minds.. an event which truely challenged our limits (even showed us that we can go beyond them), caused us to reflect and change and shone forth the altruistic spirit in us. whoa. it can be compared to OBS:D yeah.
yeah! christmas service today! my first ever! super cool! hahaha. the ENTIRE auditorium was transformed...lights hung here and there, the stage was decorated and the play was superb. very cool acting! 'cos the pple weren't afraid of performing:D very amusing as well... pple kept laughing. we sang christmas songs, pop version!
what was even better was that you could really feel God's love and the joy of having Him in our lives. whoa once more.
we also celebrated Jun Ting's birthday:D heh. let me affirm her here, though i know she won't see this... yup. As Jie Yun has mentioned.. JT's a person who really shows her love quietly. like she won't deliberately tell you 'I love all of you!' and she doesn't go around hugging people...but you just can feel that she loves you. in her quiet manner, she'll buy stuff for you... as her sheep, i've gotten quite a lot of things. i remember that i went through quite a lot of moments in my life, with her there, guiding, supporting, teaching. i trust her a lot too...lots of stuff i dun bare to pple, but she's really someone you can trust. can really sense her heart for people as well:) she's also someone who's faithful with what she has, and she emphasizes a lot on the leaders are there to serve...most often, can sense God's love through her...i'm very thankful to have her as my shepherd. i'm still need to grow a lot spiritually, and i've got quite a lot to learn from her:) with God's strength, she is ren2 xiao3 li4 liang4 da4. hahaa:D
yup. anyway. that's all:D got the 2004 roster a few days ago. i'm serving on my birthday. wheeee~:D

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