Sunday, April 20, 2003

morning everyone!:)
qingz, nice blog!:) hahaa:) very nice format... and it's pink. izzit pink? let me check:) purplish pink:) nice choice of colours... *grInz* i thought u said pink's a bimbotic colour? ah wellz. everyone's entitled to be a tad crazy anytime:)
poor xiao qian didn't find the nj 02 orientation fact, she seems a bit stressed out by everything...ah wellz. i'm thinking of organising an OG outing:) *grInz* contacting them shouldn't be a problem...considering that half of my OG stayed in nyj...and the other half. well. we shall find a way:)
for people who don't know...yes, i've converted:) *heh* and for people who know should know that i was very adament about not converting in the past year...hahhaa:) that's 'cos i've never felt His presence before. so, i can say that to change my mindset completely, it must have been something really powerful:)
and it was:)
my friends, there truly is a God. and He is good:) for He loves you for not who you are, but for the fact that you are his child, his creation. He's the Father that pours affection upon you...and He answers your questions about life:)
hahaha. anyway, just something to share... something to ponder upon whenever you feel yourself getting angry at someone...learn to forgive:)
"Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4:31-32
yeah... if anyone of you wanna talk to me about this, you can always call me:) *grInz*. don't worry...i won't force it upon you all...'cos i hated having the idea forced upon me as well:) God is gracious, and he truly wants to be your friend:)
yes! my personal life in vj:) hahaha. hmmmz. still quite close to patricia and michelle tan. been sitting with them during lectures and what-nots. hahaha:) truly nice people:) ohohoh...there's this guy called thong kheng whose personality is similar to isobel's:) *grInz* as in...both of them are truly corny. and in some other aspects as well...
i'm running for chinese society and taekwando exco. weez and jits' running for taekwando exco as well. wish us good luck!:D

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