Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I've been wanting to try this out. haha.
am gonna start to reduce my sleeping hours, and converting to a polyphasic sleep. my aim is probably a core sleep of 3 and a half hours, with naps through the day (which is rather possible since i nap when i'm on the bus).
i'm just concerned that it'll affect my alertness and mental speed in solving questions. haha. and i'm slightly reluctant to go through a period of mental fuzziness (according to research, most people go through a period of 2 weeks of adjustment where they experience fatigue and the desire to go back to sleep. after the two weeks, the body adjusts and is able to be of the same state as how it was like before).
i'll be sleeping for quite a long time 7 and a half hours a day for around 3 days, before cutting down the hours to 6 and a half hours. haven't planned out the rest of the nights, but i guess i'll type out how the experience goes along the way :) yay!

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