Thursday, April 20, 2006

how interesting that my dear faithful laptop which has never died on me before (even after i've dropped it for two times) has to die on me yesterday night when i'm studying for abnormal psy. it's as if God had enough of me being distracted by the things around that He's decided to cause my laptop to happily die so as to prevent me from being further distracted and really concentrate on studying quickly and effectively in preparation for my 2 exams this friday. It was frustrating at first, all the efforts at trying to go into the system just didn't work. it hangs and hangs happily at that. the cursor moves but nothing else does. i don't even get to see my interactive desktop. sadness.
but having a change of mindset certainly caused me to focus on my tb better. and it was with a startling realisation that i found out i have 2 more chapters to study instead of just one, which i originally thought. and it was with great enjoyment that i could read the chapter once through (personality disorders was what i was reading through) and could answer the chapter test at the back and had only one mistake=] hahaha. considering that it was the only abnormal psy lecture which i skipped, i find it a great surprise to be able to do such a thing. sadly, after i slept, i could no longer replicate such a thing. confirms the fact that i study better at night. lol.
and so currently i'm at home on my pc, which i haven't turned on for around 5 months. it's a good thing i suppose, allowing me to update my pc's anti virus system, as well as making sure that i won't habbo and actually study at the same time, which can be quite detrimental for my concentration span. Thank God for jit's ipod shuffle which supplied me with the moderate arousal from the environment i needed for optimum productivity (according to my dear adorable abnormal psy textbook which states that one of the hypothesis for antisocial personality disorder could be due to the underarousal theory of some sort. lol)

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