Wednesday, February 19, 2003

i'm sleeeeeepppy...and i haven't finished studying econs.
and i haven't done any maths for a long time. so going to die.
and i'm not in the mood for going to school and study...i feel like staying at home and sleeping. to recover first before i go to school:) hehehe.
do you know fat-soluble vitamins are hydrophobic? i didn't...until today, that is:)
went to school at 8.55am...hahaha. 'cos i felt horrendously sick in the wee hours of the morning, then slept a bit more...then felt a bit better...and since i have javin's present, the flute to return and the task of discussing about lighting for ccs...i had to go to school. so sad right? yah. i think it's very sad. hahaha:)
food didn't seem too appetizing today either...ah wellz.
one good thing though:) i finally got weiyang to take my autograph book home to write. hahaha. he was the only closer og mate who wouldn't help me write. i had you rong helping me to persuade him this afternoon:) hah. nice angel:)
oh yah. forgot to mention. i walked around the whole day today with my ears feeling every sound was kinda soft and muffled. very interesting:) think it's the effect of the medicine making me feel groggy. can't remember much of what happened:) just that ccs is very nice...bball and ccs seniors are very nice...seeing my og mates make me happy...and my ct feels a lot more like a whole these days as well:)
bad thing is i think i just found out my inequalities hw is still with me. uh-oh.

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